Saturday, July 18, 2009

What ISPs ought to do

Dear reader,

I am reading a post on "FAR BEYOND THE EDGE OF REASON" that I wanted to share with you. Thank you for reading. Just in case you missed the link to the left, here's a link to the blog post again.

I agree with most of what the original poster is saying. However, I would like to make an observation on the statement "But we should be trusting people to input a few details on their own, rather than pushing everything out of sight." The Ubuntu boot-up screen hides boot-up information as of 2009.04. Is that in any way relevant to the discussion in hand? Thank you.

Lastly, thank you, dear reader, for reading this post and following the link to read the original article. If you have not found the link thus far, I would suggest you google it. (If you don't know what that means, please consult a medical professional. You may be spaced out or something.)


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