Saturday, August 29, 2009

Facebook quotes, assorted

"Mee mee mee mee mee.
Your mom is constant. [...]"
~ Rebekah Shaw on her sister, Jessica Shaw

"Hey Kushal, put me in your quotes." ~ Brent Lewis

"the sony PSP was built by god, to determine who on earth had the best skills to defeat the armies of satan" - Saint Peter

"I am almost finished with my research paper. I only need to write it now." ~ Not anonymous

"Gosh, Kushal!" ~ The Lord

"O!  Don't cut my throat, sir," I pleaded in terror.  "Pray don't do it, sir." ~ Pip in Great Expectations

"The first thing you must learn is the mathematics. And that involves, first, calculus. And in calculus, differentiation." ~ Richard Feynman in Tips on Physics (ISBN:0-8053-9063-4)

"Awesome" ~ Brittney Robinson

(makes weird face) ~ Haley Carson

"You're still here?" ~ Benjamin Rogers

"OK" ~ Cameron Sipes

"Stalker" ~ Lord Tristan

"Stalker" ~ Sam Buzzard

"He don't say nothing to me" ~ Nica on David

"I haven't seen you forever" ~ Marcy Stifflemire

"That's so SAD" ~ Marcy Stifflemire

"Taste the rainbow." ~ Christine (Elise) Easter

"I didn't say NOTHING" ~ Christine (Elise) Easter

in one of his last strips: This is my Joe Torre look. I'm going to use it next season. I'll manage the team from the bench like Joe Torre, and I'll stare at everybody like this. And we'll win every game. ~ (

"I know there is a lesson to be learned here somewhere, but I don't know what it is." ~ Linus van Pelt (

"Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."

As quoted in Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World (1999) by Margaret J. Wheatley, p. 32


Bart: This is the worst day of my life.
Homer: The worst day of your life so far.

"coz I'm cool like that" ~ Benjamin Rogers

"I don't have an aim." ~ Benjamin Rogers

"OMG we are going to have to do something about that" ~ Allison Woodard

"No, Kushal. When you turn eighteen, you become human. When you turn twenty-one, you become an adult."

"I know u cant respond because of gay [name hidden]" ~ Identity protected

"Die, [...] dead person." ~ The Lord

"In my youth, I believed myself to be a revolutionary; now I see that I was a classist." - Wolfgang Pauli

Kripa timi ahtee cha k.... ja pai tei tag garera....hey bagwan..khuda bacha ye tumko,,, na kuch kaar sakhey hum aaj, na kuch kaar sakha hum ne kaal.. isley aab toh khuda hee ayengai aap ko bachaney ki liye... ~ Meenakshi Didi

lol. i cant help it. it always turns out this way :)
~ Haley Carson

Don't open your diamonds in a vegetable market. Tie them in bundle and keep them in your heart, and go your own way. ~ Kabir

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