Tuesday, February 25, 2020

That’s a toughie

Conservative: socially right, fiscally right Liberal: socially left, fiscally right Progressive: socially left, fiscally left Liberals tend to pay lip service to fiscal leftism, but then compromise. So they institute social programs, but they do so by throwing public money at private institutions (private prisons, college loans to private colleges, black water private armed forces, the ACA forcing money to insurance companies, etc). BOTH parties have been fiscally right since nixon. This is why the focus for the past 40 years has been on social issues. It distractd from the rich robbing us. Theyve gotten tax cuts from republicans, and then money thrown at them from liberals. If you support bernies policies, you are a progressive, not a liberal. The establishment would like you to believe these words are interchangeable. They are not.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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